Methods Econometrics

applied econometrics uses theoretical econometrics , real-world data assessing economic theories, developing econometric models, analysing economic history, , forecasting.

econometrics may use standard statistical models study economic questions, observational data, rather in controlled experiments. in this, design of observational studies in econometrics similar design of studies in other observational disciplines, such astronomy, epidemiology, sociology , political science. analysis of data observational study guided study protocol, although exploratory data analysis may useful generating new hypotheses. economics analyses systems of equations , inequalities, such supply , demand hypothesized in equilibrium. consequently, field of econometrics has developed methods identification , estimation of simultaneous-equation models. these methods analogous methods used in other areas of science, such field of system identification in systems analysis , control theory. such methods may allow researchers estimate models , investigate empirical consequences, without directly manipulating system.

one of fundamental statistical methods used econometricians regression analysis. regression methods important in econometrics because economists typically cannot use controlled experiments. econometricians seek illuminating natural experiments in absence of evidence controlled experiments. observational data may subject omitted-variable bias , list of other problems must addressed using causal analysis of simultaneous-equation models.


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