Reception How Should We Then Live?

1 reception

1.1 speaking tour
1.2 influence among evangelicals
1.3 catholic response

1.3.1 aquinas controversy

speaking tour

colin duriez, in biography of schaeffer, describes initial speaking tour , reception: schaeffer spoke @ seminars across north america film series shown. in initial speaking tour of eighteen cities in 1977, there enthusiastic response screening of ten half-hour episodes... film series shown around europe, including local screenings set churches , christian groups in united kingdom... prospect of large screen presentation perhaps removed peoples fears of being lost, when hearing or reading schaeffer undiluted. seminar pattern, lecture francis , showing of episode followed taking questions audience, anticipated more controversial series whatever happened human race? which, however, had smaller audiences.

influence among evangelicals

the film series became sensation among evangelicals, drawing audiences of 5 thousand in churches screened it. accompanying book best-seller in evangelical market... , selling forty thousand copies in first 3 months. ...[in america] conservative evangelicals had been looking explanation secular drift of country, , schaeffer s diagnosis of contemporary cultural ills gave them framework understanding it. , other works schaeffer gave entire generation of ministers permission read philosophy , engaged culture. not unusual ministerial student accused of carnal-mindedness reading philosophers or, worse novelists, in attempt broaden range of christian apologetics. schaeffer...can credited overcoming monopoly of biblical studies , theology in education of evangelical ministers.

frank schaeffer creator/producer of film series states how should live? , second series... whatever happened human race? still standard works today in thousands of evangelical high schools, colleges, , seminaries around world. many evangelicals, francis schaeffer first, , perhaps only, introduction think art, history , culture, , politics - not mention life issues.

in america film series/book s call action against legalized abortion seen key impetus development of political christian right movement, conservative evangelicals newfound devotion gop stemmed partly increased attention abortion. in 1980, evangelicals had opposed abortion, viewed 1 of many national sins, including sexual revolution, homosexuality, feminism, , pornography. in mid-1980s, evangelicals moved closer conservative catholic position on issue , began view abortion unique evil, far worse other national sins. evangelicals heightened concern abortion largely due influence of francis schaeffer , son franky. admitted evangelical leaders, such ralph reed, abortion became central issue evangelicals result of book , ten-part film series in 1976, how should live?

catholic response

while praising schaeffer s message against legalized abortion, schaeffer s comments in film series/book catholic church drew critical response. in series, particularly when speaking reformation, schaeffer repeats of criticism of catholic church made previous protestant leaders , restates such criticism accepted fact. catholics have taken issue such claims, seeing them outright falsehoods or @ least misrepresenting faith.

aquinas controversy

roman catholic scholar taylor marshall has disputed schaeffer s assessment of thomas aquinas, regard effect of fall on intellect, subsequently repeated other theologians following after schaeffer (such tim lahaye in battle mind). in both book , film series schaeffer states: came thomas aquinas, dominican monk. outstanding theologian of period , thinking still has influence. had incomplete view of fall of man, man had revolted against god. in view human fallen or corrupted, intellect not. result of emphasis, gradually philosophy began act in increasingly independent autonomous manner. schaeffer, never quotes aquinas in series, goes on mark him key source development of humanism , relativism.

dr. taylor marshall in response points aquinas work (summa theologica ia, q. 85 a. 3) expounds on work of venerable bede, lists effects of fall of man 4 wounds includes fall of human intellect. aquinas writes therefore in far reason deprived of order true, there wound of ignorance; in far deprived of order of good, there wound of malice; in far irascible deprived of order arduous, there wound of weakness; , in far concupiscible deprived of order delectable, moderated reason, there wound of concupiscence.

in absolute contrast schaeffer, catholics see aquinas enemy of relativism citing work on theology (including st q1 a6 ad 2) says principles of other sciences either evident , cannot proved, or proved natural reason through other science. knowledge proper science [theology] comes through revelation , not through natural reason. therefore has no concern prove principles of other sciences, judge of them. whatsoever found in other sciences contrary truth of science must condemned false: destroying counsels , every height exalteth against knowledge of god (2 corinthians 10:4-5). rather aquinas, catholics see immanuel kant key figure in modern relativism.

unease on schaeffer s portrayal of aquinas not limited catholics. j.p. moreland, professor of talbot school of theology, writing forward 2006 reprint of schaeffer s book escape reason, states others argue, sometime correctly, schaeffer paints broad brush and, result, misrepresents thinkers. i, one, not think treatment of thomas aquinas entirely fair or accurate. @ end of day these criticisms miss genius of book.

as indication of controversy of position on aquinas, after schaeffer s death premier evangelical magazine christianity today, included cartoon of him. in schaeffer enters gates of heaven trademark goatee while wearing lederhosen. saint peter finds name in book of life , says francis schaeffer...oh, yes. saint thomas aquinas have word you.


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