Wooden Railroad tie

a variant fastening of rails wooden ties

historically wooden rail ties made hewing axe, called axe ties or sawn achieve @ least 2 flat sides. variety of softwood , hardwoods timbers used ties, oak, jarrah , karri being popular hardwoods, although increasingly difficult obtain, sustainable sources. lines use softwoods, including douglas fir; while have advantage of accepting treatment more readily, more susceptible wear cheaper, lighter (and therefore easier handle) , more readily available. softwood treated, while creosote common preservative railway ties, preservatives used such pentachlorophenol, chromated copper arsenate , few other preservatives. non-toxic preservatives used, such copper azole or micronized copper. new boron-based wood preserving technology being employed major railroads in dual treatment process in order extend life of wood ties in wet areas. timbers (such sal, mora, jarrah or azobé) durable enough can used untreated.

problems wooden ties include rot, splitting, insect infestation, plate-cutting, known chair shuffle in uk (abrasive damage tie caused lateral motion of tie plate) , spike-pull (where spike gradually loosened tie). more information on wooden ties railway tie association maintains comprehensive website devoted wood tie research , statistics.

wooden ties can, of course, catch fire; age develop cracks allow sparks lodge catch fire more easily.


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