
Showing posts from May, 2013

Non-conventional tie forms Railroad tie

1 non-conventional tie forms 1.1 y-shaped ties 1.2 twin ties 1.3 wide ties 1.4 bi-block ties 1.5 frame ties 1.6 ladder track non-conventional tie forms y-shaped ties y tie track next conventional track an unusual form of tie y-shaped tie, first developed in 1983. compared conventional ties volume of ballast required reduced due load-spreading characteristics of y-tie. noise levels high resistance track movement good. curves three-point contact of y steel tie means exact geometric fit cannot observed fixed attachment point. the cross section of ties i-beam. as of 2006 less 1,000 km of y-tie track had been built, of approximately 90-percent in germany. twin ties the zsx twin tie manufactured leonhard moll betonwerke gmbh & co kg , pair of 2 pre-stressed concrete ties longitudinally connected 4 steel rods. design said suitable track sharp curves, track subject temperature stress such operated trains eddy brakes, bridges , transition track between traditional track , slab track or ...

Immigration to America.2C education and first marriage George Tucker (politician)

saint-mamin engraved portrait of tucker s cousin, st. george tucker, provided pivotal tucker shortly after mother s death in 1795, tucker sailed philadelphia, intending continue legal education in united states. briefly considered london studies discarded idea, in order optimize chances political advancement . after free-spending time other bermudians in capital city, ran out of funds, , proceeded williamsburg, virginia seek advice , borrow money famous cousin st. george tucker, maneuver repeat. admitted @ college of william & mary, studied law under st. george , graduated after 2 years. tucker pleased find academic work undemanding, , social life entertaining, gained access finer homes through cousin. tucker traveled new york , philadelphia and, letters of introduction in hand, able further acquaint himself adopted country , meet noted leaders, including george washington , new york governors john jay , george clinton. despite enjoyment of high society, returned williamsburg , th...

The Impi in battle Impi

1 impi in battle 1.1 starting period: clash @ gqokli hill 1.2 period of consolidation: zulu impi , variants 1.3 first challenge of europe: african impi versus boer commando 1.4 second challenge of europe: african impi versus british empire 1.4.1 command , control 1.4.2 handling of reserve forces 1.4.3 use of modern arms 1.4.4 tough challenge the impi in battle the impi, in shakan form, best known among western readers anglo-zulu war of 1879, particularly famous zulu victory @ isandhlwana, development on 60 years in coming before great clash. understand full scope of impi s performance in battle, military historians of zulu typically operations against internal african enemies, not merely british interlude. in terms of numbers, operations of impi change- western equivalent of small company , battalion size forces, manoeuvres in multi-divisional strength of between 10,000 , 40,000 men. victory won zulu king cetawasyo @ ndondakusuka, example, 2 decades before british invasion involved dep...

Fishing Channel catfish

channel catfish caught in stocked lake. channel catfish omnivores, , can caught using variety of natural , prepared baits, including crickets, nightcrawlers, minnows, shad, freshwater drum, crawfish, frogs, bullheads, sunfish, chicken liver , suckers. catfish have been known take ivory soap bait , raw steak. juglines, trotlines, limb lines, , bank lines popular methods of fishing channel catfish in addition traditional rod-and-reel fishing. method uses traps, either slat traps  — long wooden traps angled entrance — , wire hoop traps. typical bait these traps include rotten cheese , dog food. catches of many 100 fish day common in catfish traps. unusual method practiced in southeastern united states noodling – catching catfish hand. when removing hook catfish, anglers should mindful of sharp spines on pectoral , dorsal fins.

Public image, the media, and the law Vajiralongkorn

king vajiralongkorn s portrait on ratchadamnoen avenue there strict, , strictly enforced, lèse majesté law in thailand. criticism of king, queen, crown prince, , more recently, former kings, members of royal family, , pets has long been strictly prohibited, large fines , prison sentences of 35 years being imposed. however, vajiralongkorn s private life continues controversial subject of discussion in thailand, although not publicly. in 10 january 2002 edition of far eastern economic review (feer), article appeared suggesting vajiralongkorn had business ties then-prime minister thaksin shinawatra. immediate ban placed on distribution of magazine, , thai government, citing threat national security, suspended visas of feer s 2 thailand correspondents, shawn crispin , rodney tasker. in 2002, economist wrote vajiralongkorn held in less esteem (than king). bangkok gossips swap tales of lurid personal life... besides, no successor, worthy, can hope equal stature king bhumibol has attained af...

Career Jasmine Thompson

jasmine thompson in 2013. 2013: bundle of tantrums in july 2013, thompson self-released cover of naughty boy s single la la la . in august released 3 different covers: cover of taylor swift s has changed (as duet gerald ko), cover of passenger s let go , cover of david guetta s titanium . in september same year, self-released debut album bundle of tantrums included singles la la la , let go , titanium . in september 2013, thompson released cover of chaka khan s ain t nobody . song featured in advert uk supermarket chain sainsbury s sainsbury s range. song has peaked @ number thirty 2 on uk singles chart. in october 2013 released extended play under willow tree. 1 of songs, named run , enjoyed moderate success in europe , united states. 2014: bundle of tantrums on 20 april 2014 released second album bundle of tantrums. album peaked @ number 126 on uk albums chart. in september 2014, thompson s cover of hurts used in bbc autumn trailer eastenders. trailer showed characters ...

Road to the Cup 2014 CIS University Cup

1 road cup 1.1 aus playoffs 1.2 oua playoffs 1.3 canada west playoffs road cup aus playoffs the aus held february 19 march 10, 2014. oua playoffs the oua playoffs held february 19 march 15, 2014. canada west playoffs the canada west playoffs held february 21 march 8, 2014.

Diagnosis Fatigue (medical)

minor dark circles, in addition hint of eye bags, combination suggestive of sleep deprivation. one study concluded 50% of people have fatigue receive diagnosis explain fatigue after year condition. in people have possible diagnosis, musculoskeletal (19.4%) , psychological problems (16.5%) common. definitive physical conditions found in 8.2% of cases. if person fatigue decides seek medical advice, overall goal identify , rule out treatable conditions. done considering person s medical history, other symptoms present, , evaluating of qualities of fatigue itself. affected person may able identify patterns fatigue, such being more tired @ times of day, whether fatigue increases throughout day, , whether fatigue reduced after taking nap. because disrupted sleep significant contributor fatigue, diagnostic evaluation considers quality of sleep, emotional state of person, sleep pattern, , stress level. amount of sleep, hours set aside sleep, , number of times person awakens during night import...

Family Friedrich Wilhelm, Fürst zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg

sibling connections seven of 12 siblings died before age of ten. surviving siblings were: christian friedrich karl, fürst zu hohenlohe-kirchberg (19 october 1729 kirchberg – 18 august 1819 kirchberg) august ludwig, prinz zu hohenlohe-kirchberg (3 september 1735 kirchberg – 19  january or june 1780 kirchberg friedrich eberhard, prinz zu hohenlohe-kirchberg (21 october 1737 kirchberg – 21 january 1804 kirchberg) (married albertina renata v.castell-remlingen) friedrich karl ludwig, prinz zu hohenlohe-kirchberg (19 march/november 1751 kirchberg – 12 september 1791 weikersheim) friedrich karl ludwig amateur artist. had started career in cavalry accident during review caused him abandon military. studied first under valentine tischbein , later under oeser in leipzig. artistic pursuits included drawing, miniature painting (at apparently quite good), , ivory carving. christiane friederike sophie zu hohenlohe-ki...

Fast-Neutron Generator Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor

in 1961, united states government led establishment of icf-based fusion power experimental source near @ nilore, before establishment of pinstech institute. neutron generator bought paec texas a&m nuclear science center. facility capable of producing mono-energetic neutrons @ 3.5–14.7mev deuterium-tritium reaction generated fusion power. fusion experimental devices has capability capture low neutron flux on order of 10 10 neutrons per cm per second, resulting in nucleosynthesis s-process (slow-neutron-capture-process). designed , planned fast neutron activation elements such oxygen , nitrogen rare earth isotopes.

Movie serial Buck Rogers

a 12-part buck rogers serial film produced in 1939 universal pictures company. buck rogers (buster crabbe) , young friend buddy wade caught in blizzard , forced crash airship in arctic wastes. in order survive until can rescued, inhale supply of nirvano gas puts them in state of suspended animation. when rescued scientists, learn 500 years have passed. 2440. tyrannical dictator named killer kane , henchmen run world. buck , buddy must save world, , of lieutenant wilma deering , prince tallen of saturn. the serial had small budget , saved money on special effects reusing material other stories: background shots futuristic musical imagine (1930), city of future, garishly stenciled walls azura palace set in flash gordon s trip mars, kane s penthouse suite, , studded leather belt crabbe wore in flash gordon s trip mars turned part of buck s uniform. between 1953 , mid-1970s, film serial edited 3 distinct feature film versions.

Members Horton family

1 members 1.1 first generation 1.2 second generation 1.3 third generation 1.4 fourth generation 1.5 fifth generation 1.6 sixth generation members this list of known members of horton family, both past , present, deceased , living. characters still presently on days of our lives bolded, characters members of family through marriage italicized. dates of birth seen on screen , not reflect portrayed age @ given time. first generation dr. william horton, (deceased) adelaide horton (deceased) sid grayson (deceased) abigail grayson (deceased) second generation dr. thomas horton (deceased, june 20, 1994) alice grayson (deceased, june 23, 2010) third generation thomas tommy horton jr. kitty horton (deceased, 1967) adelaide addie horton (deceased 1974) ben olson (dissolved death, 1971) doug williams (dissolved addie s death in 1974) michael mickey horton (deceased january 2010) maggie simmons william bill horton laura spencer marie horton craig merritt (married in 1966; divorced) neil cu...

Other Party switching in the United States

former u.s. representative jim leach, republican, speaks during first night of 2008 democratic national convention. other political figures, such ed koch, jim leach, zell miller, colin powell, did not formally leave parties, supported candidate party. miller , koch, though democrats, supported republican george w. bush s 2004 reelection campaign, while powell , leach supported barack obama s 2008 presidential campaign. received media attention in 2004, when democrats bush , republicans kerry groups formed. in new hampshire, former republican governor walter peterson has expressly supported democrat john lynch in bids governor. in virginia, state s first republican governor since reconstruction, linwood holton, has since 2001 supported democrats in statewide races – son-in-law, tim kaine, has been elected governorship , u.s. senate in time, , served chairman of democratic national committee – , endorsed barack obama in 2008. similarly, in 1860, former democratic president martin van bur...

References Oscilloscope history

abramson, albert (1995), zworykin, pioneer of television, university of illinois press, isbn 0-252-02104-5  burns, r. w. (1998), television: international history of formative years, iet, isbn 0-85296-914-7  hawkins, nehemiah (1917), chapter 63: wave form measurement , hawkins electrical guide, 6 (2nd ed.), theo. audel , co.  kularatna, nihal (2003), chapter 5: fundamentals of oscilloscopes , digital , analogue instrumentation – testing , measurement, institution of engineering , technology, isbn 978-0-85296-999-1  spitzer, frank; howarth, barry (1972), principles of modern instrumentation, new york: holt, rinehart , winston, isbn 0-03-080208-3 

Photographic oscillograph Oscilloscope history

in order permit direct measurement of waveforms necessary recording device use low-mass measurement system can move sufficient speed match motion of actual waves being measured. done development of moving-coil oscillograph william duddell in modern times referred mirror galvanometer. reduced measurement device small mirror move @ high speeds match waveform. to perform waveform measurement, photographic slide dropped past window light beam emerges, or continuous roll of motion picture film scrolled across aperture record waveform on time. although measurements more precise built-up paper recorders, there still room improvement due having develop exposed images before examined.

Biography Fernando Brambila

in april, 1791, began journey join expedition. after making way la coruña, boarded frigate el cortés, headed america. met expedition @ acapulco, executed first paintings. naturalist, antonio pineda, later claimed brambila travelled paint aztec antiquities, these works have not been found. he stationed aboard corvette atrevida. paintings included numerous panoramic views precise details of defensive systems, monuments etc.; guam, mariana islands, palapa, sorsogon city , zamboanga in philippines, macao, port jackson , parramatta in australia, vava u, lima, buenos aires , montevideo. he , ravenet returned in 1795 , remained in spain, working government @ rate of 27,000 reales per year, stipulated in contract. created lithographs , engravings based on paintings book on expedition. in 1799, on occasion of cardinal luis maría de borbón s elevation archbishop of toledo, designed , created triumphal arch cathedral. same year, king carlos iv named him painter, architect , decorator royal court...

Election results Jorasanko (Vidhan Sabha constituency)

1 election results 1.1 2016 1.2 2011 1.3 1977-2006 1.4 1951-1972 1.5 colootola election results 2016 in 2016. smita bakshi of aitmc reelected second term, reduced majority. bjp candidate rahul sinha came second small margin. 2011 in 2011 election, smita bakshi of trinamool congress defeated nearest rival janki singh of cpi(m). note: new constituencies – 3, constituencies abolished – 10 1977-2006 in 2006 state assembly elections, dinesh bajaj of trinamool congress won jorasanko assembly seat defeating shyam sundar gupta of forward bloc. satya narain bajaj of trinamool congress defeated shyam sundar gupta of forward bloc in 2001. deokinandan poddar of congress defeated satish narayan bajaj of forward bloc in 1996, sukumar das of forward bloc in 1991 , 1987, , shyam sundar gupta of forward bloc in 1982. vishnu kant shastri representing janata party defeated deokinandan poddar of congress in 1977. 1951-1972 deokinandan poddar of congress won in 1972,1971and 1969. r.k.poddar of congress won...

Applications Breath gas analysis

^ michael p. hlastala: alcohol breath test—a review, journal of applied physiology (1998) vol. 84 no. 2, 401–408. ^ nasa s electronic nose sniff out cancer , new scientist, 27 aug. 2008. ^ heaney lm et al. real-time monitoring of exhaled volatiles using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization on compact mass spectrometer. bioanalysis 2016;8(13):1325-1336. ^ heaney lm & lindley mr. translation of exhaled breath volatile analyses sport , exercise applications. metabolomics 2017;13(11):139.

List of Great Western Railway accidents Great Western Railway accidents

this list includes notable accidents on railways later amalgamated great western railway. sonning cutting, 24 december 1841 – 10 killed, 17 injured: train ran landslide caused heavy rain. on 27 june 1849, boiler of hercules class locomotive goliah exploded whilst hauling freight train @ plympton on south devon railway. 1 person killed. in 1850, excursion train collided horsebox @ wootton bassett, wiltshire. following accident, trap points , scotch blocks provided @ sidings leading onto running lines. on 28 november 1852, passenger train derailed @ gatcombe, gloucestershire. grove viaduct, 6 may 1859 – 2 days after opening of cornwall railway train derailed near st germans , fell off viaduct killing 3 of train crew. on 5 november 1868, 4-4-0 locomotive rob roy in rear-end collision cattle train @ awse junction, near newnham, gloucestershire. menheniot, 2 december 1873 (cornwall railway) – head-on collision on single line; no casualties: misunderstood signalman s verbal order. shipton-on...

Gameplay Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

the game s use of third-person perspective when using melee weapon affords player greater control in combat. unreal championship 2 features 14 different characters unreal universe, plus characters released in bonus pack via xbox live. other additions include new gametypes overdose , nali slaughter, new weapons including melee weapons, , more adrenaline combos in previous games. unreal championship 2 adds melee combat series allowing characters switch respective weapon, such blade or staff. players can perform special fatality moves mortal kombat, game series midway. players can use melee weapons in third-person mode, can switch between first- , third-person mode on fly while using firearms. unreal championship 2 uses mechanic deviates standard unreal tournament line of games, wherein each character has designation of light, medium, or heavy, determines health, melee weapon damage, movement speed , agility of characters. light characters have least amount of health , melee weapon dama...

History Montour Falls, New York

shequaga falls borders west side of village of montour falls the current name of montour falls adopted village on march 20, 1895. town of montour named after 18th-century native american seneca tribe matriarch, catharine montour. from 1850 1888 area s havana pottery stoneware manufacturing community comprised 6 firms: savage, parsons & co., savage & rogers, brewer & halm, s. t. brewer, h. m. whitman, j. m. whitman , a. o. whittemore. charles cook, businessmen, politician (canal commissioner , state senator), philanthropist , visionary, credited establishment of schuyler county (1854) , havana, new york first county seat; cook academy (originally people s college) began construction in 1858. today same facility home new york state academy of fire science. cook served president of chemung canal trust bank—the oldest continuously operating bank in region dating 1835. on november 20, 1886, tribute service held @ cook academy attended governor david hill , more 1,000 citizens, a...

Ethnic groups Surinamese people

^ (in indonesian)orang jawa di suriname (javanese in suriname), kompasiana. access date:26 march 2011 ^ joshua project. . retrieved 28 march 2010.  ^ romero, simon. aid , migrants, china expands presence in south american nation , new york times, 10 april 2011. ^ census statistieken 2012 . retrieved 13 july 2014. 

Biography Wilhelm Gerstenmeier

reconnaissance photograph of majdanek concentration camp (june 24, 1944) collections of majdanek museum. in upper half, functioning barracks gerstenmeier born in augsburg, bavaria, son of karl gerstenmeier , elizabeth née krippendorf. married 2 children before nazi german invasion of poland. while in poland, served master sergeant in schutzstaffel squadron of waffen-ss , in 1941 assigned assistant ss-obersturmführer anton thernes, commandant of majdanek concentration camp administration in charge of slave labour, starvation rationing , maintenance of camp structures. gerstenmeier rose rank of obersturmführer @ majdanek (also known kl lublin). manager of storage depot property , valuables stolen victims @ killing centers in belzec, sobibor, , treblinka. during mere 34 months of operation, more 79,000 people perished @ main camp alone (59,000 of them polish jews). gerstenmeier captured soviets , arraigned before courts on charges of war crimes , crimes against humanity @ first majdanek t...

8 Deaths in July 2006

^ g. w. albee, 84, psychologist tied poverty , illness, dies . new york times. 15 july 2006.  ^ [1] ^ directory of members - 1919 - 2017 - houses of oireachtas - tithe oireachtais .  ^ [2] ^ [3] ^ david a. bright, 49, expert on andrea doria, dies . new york times. 11 july 2006.  ^ murió ana maría campoy .  ^ gorham ^ archived copy . archived original on 2006-07-21. retrieved 2006-08-01.  ^ catherine leroy, 60, photojournalist of wars, dies . new york times. 12 july 2006.  ^ [4] ^ [5] ^ [6]

30 Deaths in May 2006

^ slim aarons, 89, dies; photographed celebrities @ play . new york times. 1 june 2006.  ^ prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, mmc rtv slovenija .  ^ entertainment - japan mourns film-maker imamura . bbc.  ^ [1] ^ scientist in poison scandal dies - national - nz herald news . new zealand herald.  ^ [2]

Friends of the Cynwyd Heritage Trail Cynwyd Heritage Trail

the friends of cynwyd heritage trail (focht) founded in 2008 group of volunteers of committed maintenance of cynwyd heritage trail. the group began during trail s planning , focuses on upkeep , beautification realize lower merion community’s vision trail. the group promotes , coordinates volunteer time, talent, , fundraising trail maintenance. the primary goals sustain , improve park permanent enhancements , new amenities along trail.

Prime minister Mostowfi ol-Mamalek

1 prime minister 1.1 first term 1.2 second term 1.3 third term 1.4 fourth term 1.5 fifth term 1.6 sixth term prime minister the first term sometime after return iran, mostowfi became minister of war until bombardment of majlis. following conquest of tehran, first appointed minister of finance in sepahdar azam’s cabinet , became minister of ahmad shah’s court. following resignation of sepadar’s first cabinet, became ahmad shah’s prime minister. mostowfi’s first term prime minister of persia began in july 1910 during 2nd majlis. party, melliyoun democrats, young, educated , had traveled europe. in favour of separation of church , state; taxing landowners , businesses; adopting compulsory national service , borrowing internally instead of internationally. mostowfi’s cabinet, backed democrats, known young peoples’ cabinet . during first term mostowfi faced issue of security in iran. multiple assassinations of political , religious figures occurred. mostowfi decided stop these assassinatio...

22 Deaths in February 2006

^ columbia, sc breaking news, sports, weather & more - & state .  ^ kuna site-story page-al-arabia correspondent, 2 crew members killed i...2/23/2006 . 23 march 2008. archived original on 23 march 2008.  ^ [1] ^ hutchinson, ben (15 march 2006). hilde domin – via guardian.  ^ donelson hoopes, 73, curator , historian of american painting . new york times. 21 march 2006.  ^ edward g. nalbandian s obituary on los angeles times .  ^ [2] ^ news . channel newsasia.  ^ john sullivan . espncricinfo.  ^ in remembrance- bill tung piu .  ^ news . daily telegraph. 

Early life Godfrey Kneller

sir john vanbrugh in kneller s kit-cat portrait, considered 1 of kneller s finest portraits. portrait of john locke. portrait of isaac newton in 1689. kneller born gottfried kniller in free city of lübeck, son of zacharias kniller, portrait painter. kneller studied in leiden, became pupil of ferdinand bol , rembrandt harmenszoon van rijn in amsterdam. traveled brother john zacharias kneller, ornamental painter, rome , venice in 1670s, painting historical subjects , portraits in studio of carlo maratti, , later moved hamburg.

Surgery Neuroregeneration

1 surgery 1.1 prognosis 1.2 autologous nerve grafting 1.3 allografts , xenografts surgery surgery can done in case peripheral nerve has become cut or otherwise divided. called peripheral nerve reconstruction. injured nerve identified , exposed normal nerve tissue can examined above , below level of injury, magnification, using either loupes or operating microscope. if large segment of nerve harmed, can happen in crush or stretch injury, nerve need exposed on larger area. injured portions of nerve removed. cut nerve endings reapproximated using small sutures. nerve repair must covered healthy tissue, can simple closing skin or can require moving skin or muscle provide healthy padded coverage on nerve. type of anesthesia used depends on complexity of injury. surgical tourniquet used. prognosis the expectations after surgical repair of divided peripheral nerve depends on several factors: age: recovery of nerve after surgical repair depends on age of patient. young children can recover clo...

Design Davis Submerged Escape Apparatus

davis breathing apparatus tested @ submarine escape test tank @ hms dolphin, gosport, 14 december 1942 the dsea rig comprises rubber breathing/buoyancy bag, contains canister of barium hydroxide scrub exhaled co2 and, in pocket @ lower end of bag, steel pressure cylinder holding approximately 56 litres of oxygen @ pressure of 120 bar. cylinder equipped control valve , connected breathing bag. opening cylinder s valve admits oxygen bag , charges pressure of surrounding water. the canister of co2 absorbent inside breathing bag connected mouthpiece flexible corrugated tube; breathing carried out mouth only, nose being closed clip. goggles provided standard part of apparatus. the breathing/buoyancy bag fitted non-return release valve allows air escape bag user ascends towards surface , water pressure decreases. wearer can close valve on reaching surface, air in breathing/buoyancy bag serving life preserver. if bag becomes deflated while wearer on surface awaiting rescue, can refilled (for ...

Interactions with humans Synanthedon myopaeformis

1 interactions humans 1.1 pest status 1.2 attempted control methods 1.2.1 pheromone disruption 1.2.2 pheromone traps 1.2.3 other chemical lures 1.2.4 other species 1.2.5 trunk coatings interactions humans pest status on bud native europe, asia, , northern africa, released in canada , united states, s. myopaeformis has been recognized significant threat apple trees in these regions. because larvae bore holes , tunnels under , through bark of host trees, presence of species harmful health , production of these trees. previously, damage caused s. myopaeformis associated old, damaged, or otherwise sick apple trees because lack of integrity of bark allows larvae easier access inner layers of trunk , branches. however, potential harm healthy apple trees recognized. because of this, many methods have been tested controlling proliferation of moth. attempted control methods pheromone disruption one method of reproduction control involves release of s. myopaeformissex sex pheromone orchards infe...

Revolution Philosophy of Max Stirner

as stirner specifies in footnote (p. 280), here using word insurgent in etymological sense ; thus, rise above religion , government of 1 s own times , take control of 1 s life no consideration of them, not overthrow them. contrasts method of revolutionary brings change of conditions displacing 1 government another: the revolution aimed @ new arrangements; insurrection leads no longer let ourselves arranged, arrange ourselves, , sets no glittering hopes on institutions . not fight against established [...] working forth of me out of established. [...] now, object not overthrow of established order elevation above it, purpose , deed not political or social (as directed toward myself , ownness alone) egoistic purpose indeed. stirner writing people liberating own limits , rising above limiting social, political , ideological conditions, , each walk own way. passages quoted above incompatible david leopold s conclusion (in introduction cambridge university press edition) stirner ...s...

Thiruvananthapuram Tourism in Thiruvananthapuram

1 thiruvananthapuram 1.1 akkulam 1.2 azhimala beach 1.3 chowara beach 1.4 kovalam beaches 1.5 museum , zoo 1.6 palaces 1.7 puthenthope beach 1.8 shanghumugham beach 1.9 religious institutions 1.10 thirumala 1.11 thiruvallam 1.12 veli lagoon 1.13 vellayani 1.14 vizhinjam thiruvananthapuram thiruvananthapuram, capital of state , headquarters of district, connected air, rail , road. sree padmanabha swami temple, kanakakkunnu palace, observatory, science , technology museum, government secretariat, kowdiar palace, st. joseph’s cathedral, tagore centenary theatre , museum, thiruvananthapuram zoo, happyland amusement park, etc. of tourist attractions in city. sree chitra art gallery rich collection of exquisite paintings, attraction. gallery has special ravi varma section other 1 murals, water , oil painting. s.m.s.m. institute, botanic gardens @ palode , chitranjali studios added attractions. raj bhavan, central library, victoria jubilee town hall, university college, residency bungalow, co...

Film debut and breakthrough (2008–10) Anushka Sharma

sharma co-star ranveer singh @ dvd launch of band baaja baaraat two years later, sharma played leading lady in crime-comedy badmaash company, directed parmeet sethi , co-starring shahid kapoor, vir das , meiyang chang. film, dealing 4 underachieving friends begin scam business enterprise, met mixed reviews. later in 2010, sharma completed three-film contract yash raj films starring in band baaja baaraat, romantic comedy directed maneesh sharma , co-starring debutant ranveer singh. role of shruti kakkar, ambitious middle-class punjabi girl starts own wedding planning business. in preparation part, sharma learned speak in punjabi dialect, cited toughest part of role; described way lead characters in film interact crude cute required talk fast, mix words , omit words . trade analysts expressed doubt on band baaja baaraat s financial prospect, citing middling response yash raj films last few productions, lack of male star, , saying sharma almost-forgotten actress. however, band baaja...

Jazz and jazz fusion Bass guitar

a walking bass line the introduction of electric bass in jazz fusion, in rock world, helped bassists play in high-volume stadium concerts powerful amplifiers, because easier amplify electric bass double bass (the latter prone feedback in high-volume settings). electric bass has both accompaniment , soloing role in jazz. in accompaniment, bassist may perform walking basslines traditional tunes , jazz standards, playing smooth quarter note lines imitate double bass. called walking bass line because of way rises , falls using scale notes , passing notes. for latin or salsa tunes , rock-infused jazz fusion tunes, electric bass may play rapid, syncopated rhythmic figures in coordination drummer, or lay down low, heavy groove. in jazz setting, electric bass tends have more expansive solo role in popular styles. in rock settings, bass guitarist may have few short bass breaks or brief solos during concert. during jazz concert, jazz bassist may have number of lengthy improvised solos, called b...

Differential rotation of the Milky Way Differential rotation

disk galaxies don t rotate solid bodies, rather rotate differentially. rotation speed function of radius called rotation curve, , interpreted measurement of mass profile of galaxy, as: v c ( r ) = g m ( < r ) r {\displaystyle v_{c}(r)={\sqrt {\frac {gm(<r)}{r}}}} where v c ( r ) , {\displaystyle v_{c}(r),} rotation speed @ radius r {\displaystyle r} m ( < r ) , {\displaystyle m(<r),} total mass enclosed within radius ...

Differential rotation of the Sun Differential rotation

internal rotation in sun, showing differential rotation in outer convective region , uniform rotation in central radiative region. on sun, study of oscillations revealed rotation constant within whole radiative interior , variable radius , latitude within convective envelope. sun has equatorial rotation speed of ~2 km/s; differential rotation implies angular velocity decreases increased latitude. poles make 1 rotation every 34.3 days , equator every 25.05 days, measured relative distant stars (sidereal rotation). the highly turbulent nature of solar convection , anisotropies induced rotation complicate dynamics of modeling. molecular dissipation scales on sun @ least 6 orders of magnitude smaller depth of convective envelope. direct numerical simulation of solar convection have resolve entire range of scales in each of 3 dimensions. consequently, solar differential rotation models must involve approximations regarding momentum , heat transport turbulent motions not explicitly compu...

Formation.2C MALG Département du Renseignement et de la Sécurité

members of national communications department (dtn) of malg the drs formed ministère de l armement et des liaisons générales (malg) during algerian war independence, under direction abdelhafid boussouf, role lead both national , international networks of front de libération nationale (fln). after independence in 1962, , particularly accession of houari boumédiène leadership of country in 1965, algerian intelligence services professionalised , institutionalised. malg organized under 5 departments :

Discography Cedric Bixler-Zavala

1 discography 1.1 alavaz relxib cirdec 1.2 antemasque 1.3 anywhere 1.4 @ drive-in 1.5 big sir 1.6 de facto 1.7 fall on deaf ears 1.8 foss 1.9 thee gambede meatleak 1.10 los dregtones 1.11 mars volta 1.12 omar rodríguez-lópez 1.13 zavalaz 1.14 guest appearances 1.15 producer discography as alavaz relxib cirdec the special 12 singles series – live private booths / sapta loka single (2005) with antemasque antemasque – lp (2014) saddle on atom bomb – lp (2017) with anywhere pyramid mirrors – single (2011) infrared moses – single (2012) anywhere – lp (2012) light portals – lp (2016) with @ drive-in hell paso (1994) – re-release – ep alfaro vive, carajo! (1995) – ep acrobatic tenement (1996, re-release 2004) – lp el gran orgo (1997) – ep in/casino/out (1998, re-release 2004) – lp vaya (1999, re-release 2004) – ep sunshine / @ drive-in (2000) – ep relationship of command (2000, re-release 2004) – lp this station non-operational (2005) – compilation in•ter a•li•a (2017) – lp diamanté (...

Commercial Egg substitutes

^ sydney brownstone. why silicon valley wants hack food industry . guardian.  ^ mushy peas? not anymore. peas superfood! . epoch times. 27 january 2016.  ^ ^ khosla-backed hampton creek foods launches beyond eggs, genuinely convincing egg replacer . techcrunch. aol. 13 february 2013.  ^ faq: ener-g egg replacer .  ^ egg replacer, ^ vegg . 

Characteristics Kepler-62d

1 characteristics 1.1 mass, radius , temperature 1.2 host star 1.3 orbit characteristics mass, radius , temperature kepler-62d super-earth, exoplanet radius , mass bigger earth, smaller of ice giants uranus , neptune. has equilibrium temperature of 510 k (237 °c; 458 °f). has radius of 1.95 r⊕. because of radius (and temperature), either super-venus , or hot mini-neptune, no solid surface. however, mass not known, estimates place upper limit of 14 m⊕, real mass expected lower this. true value around 5.5 m⊕, based on composition. host star the planet orbits (k-type) star named kepler-62, orbited total of 5 planets. star has mass of 0.69 m☉ , radius of 0.64 r☉. has temperature of 4925 k , 7 billion years old. in comparison, sun 4.6 billion years old , has temperature of 5778 k. star metal-poor, metallicity ([fe/h]) of −0.37, or 42% of solar amount. luminosity (l☉) 21% of sun. the star s apparent magnitude, or how bright appears earth s perspective, 13.65. therefore, dim se...

1493.E2.80.931688 Martinique

the attack on french ships @ martinique in 1667 because there few catholic priests in french antilles, many of earliest french settlers huguenots sought greater religious freedom experience in mainland france. quite industrious , became quite prosperous. although edicts king louis xiv s court regularly came islands suppress protestant heretics , these ignored island authorities until louis xiv s edict of revocation in 1685. from september 1686 1688, french crown used martinique threat , dumping ground mainland huguenots refused reconvert catholicism. on 1,000 huguenots transported martinique during period, under miserable , crowded ship conditions caused many of them die en route. survived trip distributed island planters engagés (indentured servants) under system of serf peonage prevailed in french antilles @ time. as many of planters on martinique huguenot, , sharing in suffering under harsh strictures of revocation, began plotting emigrate martinique many of arrived brethren. many ...

Golfer Joan Hammond

joan hammond putting hammond won women s junior golf championship new south wales in 1929, , women s amateur state championship in 1932, 1934, , 1935. when became known golfer, started sign name joan hood hammond , , newspaper articles hyphenate joan hood-hammond ; however, later dropped hood .

Iran Dunsterforce

in 1935, reza shah asked international community refer country native name, iran. opposition change led reversal of decision , professor ehsan yarshater, editor of encyclopædia iranica, proposed use of persia , iran interchangeably. russian policy towards iran in 1914 based on assurances iranian territorial integrity respected tsarist expansion in northern iran , opposition emergence of stable modern state, led suspicion policy keep iran dependency or absorb more of northern provinces. britain traditionally sought maintain commercial interests in country , use of naval power protect india. geographical position of iran, between europe , india , ancient west–east trade routes through iranian provinces, had led british in nineteenth century follow policy of using iran buffer state. the british in practice preferred inaction, although enabled russian expansionism until anglo-russian convention (anglo-russian entente) of 1907. russian sphere ran meshed in east tabriz in west , far south te...